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Peñalara 2.JPG

Sierra de Guadarrama National Park


Travel guide

Depending on the amount of snow, we will visit the passes of Navacerrada and Cotos to try to spot Citril Finch and Common Crossbill. Then we will go up to the Peñalara Glacier Circus to see if we can meet the Alpine Accentor and Rock Bunting.

Then we will descend to the Lozoya Valley to observe the White-throated Dipper and, with luck, the Common Bullfinch. It is not surprising to find Eurasian Siskin, Crested Tit and Firecrest.

You can see the blog with photos from a previous trip at: Sierra de Guadarrama


Throughout the day we can find intense cold in the passes of Navacerrada and Cotos as well as the ascent to the Peñalara Circus, to later find a much more benign climate in the Lozoya Valley or in the Santillana reservoir area.​​


You will need warm and waterproof clothing and mountain footwear to move comfortably and safely on the excursion to be made.


Low - Medium. During the morning trips are made in mountain.

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