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Travel guide

An unforgettable trip that is undoubtedly one of the best European destinations for birding because of the large number of species that can be seen. Not only will we enjoy birds that we will hardly see in our latitudes, but we will also be able to observe a large number of Waders that we always see in winter plumage wearing their breeding plumage at the Varanger Peninsula. All this also in an environment of great landscape beauty.

This trip to Norway will take place on the Varanger peninsula, it is the most northeastern in the country, surrounded by the waters of the Barents Sea and belongs to the province of Finnmark. We will visit the most interesting points of the peninsula of birding. In Finland we will focus on the surroundings of the road to Varanger, especially in the lagoons that exist in the area. The trip takes place at the end of May because going at that time will allow us to enjoy both the wintering Birds that have not yet migrated, and those that come to spend the summer that by that date have arrived and show off their breeding plumage.​​

Here you can see 5 pots of the trip to Norway in 2019 : Varanger (Norway) 2019,   Norway and Finland I 2022  Norway and Finland II 2022,   Norway and Finland I 2023   Norway and Finland II 2023

Health care​ and travel insurance

When traveling to a foreign country although belonging to the UEE it is advisable to take out travel insurance, or if we want to avoid incurring that expense, you must request Social Security with sufficient anticipation of the EUROPEAN HEALTH CARD with which you will be attended in the Public Health System in these countries without any expenses.

European Health Card Information at (for Spanish citizens):

Time difference

Norway (Varanger Peninsula) has the same hour that in Spain and in Finland one more hour.


The average temperature in the month of May is between 0ºC. and 5ºC. of temperature, so it is very advisable to wear very warm clothes. The "Windchil Factor" in the areas to be visited can often be several degrees below zero.​​

Required Documentation

Residents in countries of the European Economic Community can travel to both countries with ID or Passport, without any other requirements


In Norway the currency is the Norwegian Krona (NOK) that has an approximate value of Euros 0.085. Card payments are accepted in all shops, but it should be noted that since this is a country with a currency other than the euro, the bank will charge a fee for payments made under the concept of "currency exchange". 


Low. Trip to observation places is done in vehicle and only on occasion and whenever the conditions of the terrain allow it, we will made some walking.

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