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Llanos de Cáceres and Monfragüe


Travel guide

This trip is aimed mainly at the observation of Steppe Birds, large Birds of Prey and Black Stork. 

The surroundings of the city of Cáceres have about 250,000 hectares of fields dedicated to the cultivation of cereal, pastures and some Mediterranean shurbs. It is about land with gentle slopes that are broken by some riverbeds. In addition to housing many European Roller, steppe Birds can be observed with abundant concentrations of Great Bustard, Little Bustard and Pin-tailed and Blac-bellied Sandgrouse. Flying over the area it is not uncommon to see Birds of prey including the Spanish Imperial Eagle, among others.

Monfragüe National Park is one of the most visited Park in Spain and is located in the Province of Cáceres. In it the reservoir of the Tiétar and Tajo rivers converge. In its mountains there is one of the best Spanish Mediterranean forests that shelters one of the largest colonies of large Mediterranean Birds of prey. In addition, there is the highest reproductive density of the Black Stork in Spain.


​Weather is usually pleasant at this time of year but it can also be a bit hot.


​IIt is advisable to bring some warm clothing for the morning and late afternoon. Sun protection and a cap or hat are essential. With comfortable shoes to walk through the field is enough because we will not walk much.​


​Low. The trip to the observation places is done in vehicle and there are no long walks.

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