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Picos de Europa. Wallcreeper, alpine birds and night photographie


Travel guide

In this trip bird watching, hiking and night sky observation and photography are combined.

Before arriving to Fuente Dé our first observation point Will be the viewpoint of Piedrasluengas with an excellent view over Picos de Europa and is not difficult to watch flying over this area Egyptian and Griffon Vultures and Short-toed Eagles.

Then we will go in cable car to the alpine floor and walk close by the Hotel in search of Alpine Accentors, Snowfinches, Red-billed and Yellow-billed Choughs.

Next day we will go walking towards Peña Vieja in order to spot Wallcreeper and in its way through alpine pasture we will watch Water Pipit and Northern Wheatear. Also on the way it is not difficult to observe Rock Thrushes.

The last day we will walk through the Timber line to locate the European Honey-buzzard, Tree Pipit, Red-backed Shrikes, Cirl Buntings and Hopefully the scarce Bluethroat and Black Woodpecker.

During the whole trip we will enjoy observing and photographing a great variety of Flowers and Butterflies.

During the night of the two days we stay at the Hotel Áliva and if time permits, we will photograph the Milky Way that is why these dates have been selected to make it coincide with the New Moon that there is less light pollution from the Moon. In a few places you can see night skies like these.​

You can see a blog with photos from a previous trip to this destination at: Picos de Europa


We can find a very variable weather at Picos de Europa and it can go in a short time from very good temperatures to a cold weather if fog or clouds appear. The nights in any case are cold at that height.​


It is advisable to wear warm and waterproof clothing, as well as trekking shoes or preferably hiking boots. Also recommended sunscreen as the sun can burn at that height, and a hat. Participating photographers who want to take night photography it is necessary to have a tripod (the guide wull take it in any case) and wide angle (it will be provided to those participants who do not have it and have Canon equipment).


Medium - High. All Birds are spotted while walking excursions (in some cases long), with great height differences in some cases.

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